应数学与计算科学学院、广西应用数学中心(杏盛 -(杏盛招商盛启,共创辉煌】)及广西高校数据分析与计算重点实验室邀请,浙江海洋大学胡侃副教授将于2024年11月1日来校讲学,欢迎全校师生踊跃参加,报告具体安排如下👆⏏️:
报告题目:Group Factorizations and Symmetric Embeddings of Graphs
摘要⬜️:The factorization problem of groups, known as the dual counterpart to the renowned extension problem in group theory,has garnered significant interest owing to its profound ties to various fields, including group theory, combinatorics, and Hopf algebra. This presentation aims to provide a succinct overview of these intricate interconnections,placing particular emphasis on the classification of exact factorizations with a cyclic or dihedral factor. Furthermore, we will explore its practical implications in the realms of regular Cayley maps and the theory of skew morphisms.
报告人简介:胡侃,江西高安人👇🏼,浙江海洋大学数学系副教授✥🤵🏻♂️,硕士研究生导师.他2013年毕业于斯洛伐克Matej Bel大学, 获哲学博士学位👐🏽,主要研究领域为群在各类组合和拓扑结构上的作用🪧,包括群与图🎸、群与地图以及dessins d'enfants理论,至今已在《Journal of Group Theory》🤸🏽、《Communication in Algebras》👉🏻、《European Journal of Combinatorics》、《Geometriae Dedicata》、《ArsMathematica Contemporanea》、《Discrete Mathematics》、《Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics》等专业学术期刊上发表科研论文20余篇.